This has been so helpful & encouraging to me!! Patience has never been a Forte of mine.

But you are so right, Pastor, King David talks a lot in the Psalms about "wait patiently for the Lord your God."

I LOVED the scripture passage you quoted in your sermon on patience. .. Isaiah 64:4 has become special to me.

Thank you for sharing. Appreciate you.

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This has been incredibly helpful to me. I often find myself trying to rush God, eager to reach a place where I can be a blessing to others. But I’m learning that the growth I truly need—the growth that will prepare me for the next season—is found in the waiting. It’s in this uncomfortable season that real transformation happens because nothing grows in the comfort zone. Thank you, Pastor Jon. You are a blessing to me.

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Thank you for this message on patience. I’m going to send it to my daughter who is going through a horrible health situation. She wants to go into ministry full- time to join her husband and has been waiting for an opening in Youth. She will be blessed by this message!

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I’m so sorry. Thats awful. I will be praying for her.

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