Love this message and enjoyed listening to the sermon over it. Obviously, it resonates a little differently today given recent news and events, but more than that, it serves as a reminder that we were never promised that there wouldn't be storms...we are just fortunate enough (by faith and grace) to know that we have someone WITH US in the storm and that we will come out on the other side, still with Jesus right by our side. The unspoken truth, as unfortunate as it may be, is that we put so much trust and faith into man and forget what our damping system should look like...Jesus Christ. Another thought provoking idea that I take away from this article is as a ReLeader, I have to accept and carry the burden that there are people that have put their faith and trust in me to lead them. When you pause long enough to really think that thought through, that's alot of weight. I can't help but think that transparency, honesty, and accoutability are all of a sudden that much more essential in a ReLeader role....and where does that come from? For me, it looks like more intentionality in my relationship with God and those that I do life with. It also looks like being intentional with the body of Christ and those that (to this point) haven't become a part of the body...yet. By being intentional in remaining centered on the foundation of Christ, my hope and prayer would be that someone who is wavering or undecided about how to move forward would lean more toward walking with Christ rather than walking away because of how I've conducted myself in a response to a faith shaking situation.

Again, great article...alot to unpack and meditate on. Prayers for all of the leaders and ReLeaders out there. To borrow a quote from Pastor here..."If it were easy, everyone would do it."

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Thanks brother!

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Yes, I certainly do see how crafty the enemy is to distract Christians who believe in the power of the blood of Jesus, just months before a pivotal political decision. We all need to stay vigilant to the wiles of the enemy and stay focused on THE ONE who is the Author & Finisher of our faith!

Aren't we all SO thankful for the wonder-working, cleansing POWER of the Blood.... nothing but the Blood...

Honestly, I haven't paid much attention to the news for about 4-5 years now, so I know very little of what all the fuss is about. What little I do know, who knows if it is accurate.

But I do know this one thing, I have learned from personal experience that calling someone else's sin out, does absolutely nothing to heal anyone's pain. ONLY JESUS CAN HEAL THAT PAIN!! Personally, I refuse to be used by the enemy to destroy another's reputation because of their sin when not a single one of us is without sin.

‭1 John 1:8-10 NIV‬

[8] If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. [10] If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.


I really have to wonder, for those who accuse others of PAST sin that has been dealt with, how powerful is their Jesus? How powerful is their Savior's Blood? Especially when those sins were before a person confessed and was baptized. Are not those sins washed away at baptism? Does this not diminish the sacrifice of our precious Savior? Is this not blasphemy of sorts?

Just a few thoughts....


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Interestingly enough, how I believe this mess came to light just days before a major political debate, hmmmm.....

Enemy's ploy to distraction....

Look over here.... look over here... he says....

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Just for clarification please: nothing in my post was meant to imply that any one person was calling anyone else out. Obviously, I have no authority to say that since I know so little about what is going on.

I was speaking on general terms about the tendencies of the human heart through the ages.

Just sayin

I do think that Pastor's article was very, very good with a lot of meat in it!! It gave us all a lot to meditate on that could be used in various situations.

As always, Pastor has a gifting from the Holy Spirit when it comes to preaching/teaching that comes through in his writing as well.


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