Thank you pastor - this is impactful. And, yes it is freeing.

I believe as Christians we feel the internal pressure to serve God in measurable ways. Ways that we can feel a sense of accomplishment for the kingdom as well as for ourselves. Always striving to be better, to do better in order to please Him. Always fearful we aren’t doing enough or being enough. Always desiring to succeed in some mystical way that He will recognize and reward.

Then I realized, (probably during one of your sermons) that God doesn’t call me to excel or succeed- He calls me to obey!

Obey him in the little ways that no one may ever see. To write words that no one may ever read.

To not strive for success nor the accolades of man. Because I live to obey my audience of One.

Obedience. It’s all that really matters.

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Excellent reminder to begin 2025! Thank you!

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That's an awesome reflection for this time of year. This reminds us to remain humble in 2025 and beyond.

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Truth brother! That perspective uncouples us from the bondage and tyranny of comparison. “It’s no longer I who lives, but Christ through me.”

One of my favorite scriptural prayer goals:

“For the love of Christ controls and compels us, because we have concluded this, that One died for all, therefore all died; and He died for all, so that all those who live would no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and was raised for their sake.”

‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬-‭15‬

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Thank you, Jon. This is such a good and needed word of encouragement for this present time. In a culture of "Unless there was a picture posted, it didn't happen or count", this challenge to do everything for the glory of God alone, is truly refreshing and frees us from the need for recognition.

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Upon first reading this article, my mind immediately went to the widow that put in more to the temple treasury than the rich (Mark 12). I wonder if she ever knew she was the topic of conversation between Jesus & His disciples??

Jesus noticed people that were doing things from their heart/character rather than from performance/expectations.

Another person that popped into my head was the woman that anointed Jesus for burial (Luke 7). I cannot even wrap my mind around what it would have felt like to walk that long distance through that Pharisees' house from the front door to Jesus with every single Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribe staring her down, accusing, judging, condemning.... intending to overload her with shame.

But Jesus knew what that felt like. Those people were experts in that. Jesus healed on the Sabbath, His disciples walked through the fields on Sabbath, picking grain, .... I so enjoy listening to Jesus correct them when He reminded them of King David who ate the showbread!! Jesus refused to take on their condemnation.

Following the Holy Spirit instead of being wrapped up in the law, performance, expectations, is where Father God has been working in my life for the past 3 months, so I resonated with many points in this article!

Thank you!


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“When you embrace this truth, you realize something profound: you don’t have to carry the pressure of being seen or celebrated. The need for validation fades, and the joy of simply serving where God has placed you takes its place. The focus shifts from achieving outcomes to embracing the process.”


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This is exceptionally rich...and deep, Pastor. It's one of those crockpot dishes.... so much in this article to expound upon! You could write a book on this "series" alone!

Happy simmering in the crockpot 😊

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