Hey Jon. This is quite the hot topic and I think you addressed it with the integrity and responsibility required of us as ministers of the Gospel. Scripture doesn't call us to be politically minded, but to have the mind of Christ. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus has a spiritual conversation that has religious and political ramifications for His disciples as He prepares to send them out to be salt and light, telling them "to be wise as serpants and gentle as doves." He told them that they WOULD be, not maybe there's a chance, "flogged in the synagogues... and arrested by governors and kings." I appreciate your explanation of the political ramifications that are part of being in this world and the challenge from God's Word not to be "of it." I know just a few things:
1. Jesus is Lord and He reigns above IT ALL.
2. Isaiah tells us the government is upon His shoulders, whether the government acknowledges Him or not.
3. The peace of His government knows no end. Hallelujah!
4. As you mentioned, this world is not our home.
5. Voting is a duty and a privilege, as temporary residents.
6. My vote matters and counts.
7. It is an honor to be called a citizen of the U.S. and my blessed hope to one day be a citizen of heaven. ❤️
8. The outcome of this election is no surprise to God.
9. God's Kingdom was established long before the nations that exist today, and it will be long after every earthly kingdom passes away.
10. A verse from Chris Tomlin has brought me comfort in difficult and trying times such as these:
"There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"
Great article! I will be praying for you as you address this important subject with your church family. Many blessings!
Excellent thoughts, Pastor! Best I've heard. You did a great job addressing opposing views in a calm, logical, Biblically-based manner. I agree wholeheartedly!
As believers we must vote for the policies, not personalities. The Bible is our guide for all decisions. If we are to be a light to the world, we should vote for the policies that most closely line up with the Bible. Not voting is allowing those who are not believers to decide the policies we must adhere to and live by. Biblical policies such as policies that line up for pro-life Proverbs 6:17, Pro-Israel Genesis 12:3, Pro-work 2 These. 3:10, Pro-marriage Genesis 2:24, Pro-debt reduction Pro. 22:7. Bottom line is vote based on God's word, not emotion, not personalities jus as 2 Timothy 3:16 says. If you don't vote you are not letting your light shine. Stand up for God's best.
Two very important opposing matter to consider . #1 I stand for the unborn, I believe marriage is between a man and woman, I support free speech, and I believe in the right to bear arms. I am deeply concerned about the eroding of our nation, its values, and its foundation on Biblical values.#2 And the one about how Rome ruled. Government control,and regulations, taxation, and punishment for opposing views.
Neither candidate is perfect but the policies and the lifestyle they promote is a major point in how I vote.
Praying for you and your church family as you navigate this season. Praying for wisdom and grace & for the Kingdom of Heaven to be advanced in the USA! 🙏🏽
Pastor Jon, how can we deepen discipleship in our church? That’s my first question and absolutely what my husband and I are passionate about. That being said, we’re involved in politics.
I was so grateful to see that you addressed this on here. Thank you. And I love how you offered pros and cons, that’s good debate. Still, my heart leans more toward the way you see it and I heard the same teaching…
“I recently heard a pastor say, “It’s not that we’re bringing politics into the church; it’s that they’ve brought theology into politics.” I can get behind that.”
I knew that a few of our fellow parishioners had come to you regarding your stance on speaking from the pulpit. I’ve even had a conversation with someone through email about it. My hope is that you will address Biblical worldview voting.
I recently sat with a mayoral candidate for my city, a small one nearby, And she and I had to discuss whether I would back her or not. An illegal immigrant’s daughter from many years ago, born a citizen, her heart bleeds for the illegal immigrants, and that drives the way she sees things. Voting by feelings is such a dangerous way to make our choices, and my heart is to educate. I got the opportunity to educate her some that day, she’s young, at least I planted some seeds.
As my pastor, that’s what I would ask of you. Please plant biblical worldview seeds, and help Christ followers to truly understand that our voice matters. If you hadn’t made that choice to talk from the pulpit, I might have lost some respect. Since you are choosing to, I don’t have to face that dilemma. Thank you.
Thank you for being candid on here, and offering your heart. I can only imagine how hard the decision that has to be, made as a shepherd of many. I’m not in that position like you, so I couldn’t understand it from your perspective. I’m grateful that you share your perspective in this way and we get to read about it. I will be praying for you as you approach this from the pulpit. God bless brother.
What a tricky and sticky situation to take on every four years...undoubtedly, someone or somebody's are going to leave offended. I tend to find myself leaning more toward the "be more concerned with the Heavenly Kingdom than that of what you see around you" mentality. I believe that my purpose on this earth is to be the best reflection of Christ and His Kingdom that I can be...to me that looks like showing love, grace, mercy, kindness, etc., etc. Unfortunately, today's world lean's more toward screaming your political views in the faces of those who disagree in an attempt to sway someone's opinion, or in this case, their vote. Don't get me wrong, I do also believe that there is a time and place to address matters from the pulpit, but much like you...depends on the day...discernment is key during these seasons. You're not going to win the masses by hammering away your political views, but you can win the masses by living as Jesus did...loving, kind, full of grace and mercy...
Just my early morning thoughts...thanks for sharing yours.
Staying Kingdom focused…vote Biblical principles, so our freedoms as followers of Christ will be protected and do our part to make America Godly again! 📖🇺🇸
Good to see the topic is top of mind…I think the answer is rooted in a few key aspects… We are blessed to be living in a constitutional federal democratic republic unlike Israel and Rome and most of the world both in modern and biblical days. Our citizenry has been given a voice and can choose to engage it or apathetically let it go and wonder why things are the way they are.
We have been given a gift and mandate to occupy and influence the world. Will our nation be 100% believers - no - the will to choose is a fact of life to which people will choose darkness even in the face of daily miracles as when Moses led the people out of Egypt.
It doesn’t excuse leaders to not lead or teach the people how to be critical thinkers and weigh the issues of life and death in their day to day lives in light of the Word.
To be accepting of passivity in civic duty is to abdicate the authority we have been blessed with as believers in this nation and gives place to a slippery slope since absence of moral principles will always give place to the flesh because human standards and human nature always find the easier way out as evidenced in the reckless behaviors we’ve witnessed in society as things like drag queens and LBGTQ and beyond extreme agendas flow loudly from governmental avenues as the only thing that counts in life and basic parental rights are ridiculed to the point where what seems so common sensical like having separate men and women’s bathrooms becomes a philosophical debate where even a separate bathroom as a compromise is out of the question.
Pastors should be able to lead and disciple and train their people to weigh issues of life according to the Word and teach people way tit means to take biblical accountability for their action or inaction. Basic critical thinking skills to then allow people to be accountable for their choice and vote. But to be quiet in that context is abdicating responsibility to train up leaders and people to apply the Word in daily life.
Does it mean the church needs to dictate who to vote for? No, but as leaders we should empower and enable people to be wise and critical thinkers and give thought to why they think the way they do in life. The church shouldn’t t sit quiet and allow sheep to walk off a cliff if there is imminent danger. They should at least be able to provide guidance in a deprived culture. We don’t need debates in church but we need to know what it means to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before the Lord and to seek and hear His voice leading us in the way He desires for us.
Will we have a sold out nation where everyone is a Christian? No, man has free will, but we can live in the blessing of righteous in leadership and places of influence:
“When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”
Proverbs 29:2
The country’s civic and governmental foundation was set better than any in recorded history. But how we build from there can still end up in shambles. If we choose apathy we will lose what we have and as the church we should know better than to leave it up to chance at least in terms of whether to vote and what framework to consider in that decision making.
We need to provide critical thinking skills to people and a reality check that there are major influences at play in government and media and industry that interrelate through special interests and monetary gain and if you don’t look behind the curtain you will be fooled through ignorance which can be exacerbated through complacency and voter apathy.
A non-vote is ceding power, it’s leaving the power you’ve been given up for grabs. I think it’s a dimension of the warning of lukewarmness and the sad fruit it yields in terms of apathy as a culture.
The question isn’t who will save us as elected officials, but who is better positioned to be led and influenced by the Lord in spite of their walk in Christ during their tenure and who is more positioned to lead us to an undesirable end state because of their leanings, etc.
Life cannot escape body, souls and spirit dimensions. The wise assess the best choice based on all three as appropriate.
Informed voting is an enabler to the greater mission. Informed voting demonstrates being a responsible member of society and having an ability to influence versus being silenced through ambivalence or perhaps laziness. An attitude of “come let us reason” is the key to finding wisdom in life. To abdicate voting is to give up a sphere of influence granted to us by a nation founded on principles unlike any other in the world. Issues of life are in the balance and we should encourage people to prayerfully consider the power they have in this country in a civic sense while also doing the spiritual work at the same time to discern His direction.
Yes and Amen! I believe God is awaking His Church to vote Biblical values. The government tried to silence pastors from preaching "politics" by threatening to take away the tax-free status about 20 some years ago. So the church become silent. It is a difficult subject (if it were easy, everyone would do it); I know God will give you wisdom and discernment. I'm praying for God to surround you with His love and peace. I thank God for leading me to Victory!
Standing up and not moving from where we are may seem rhetorical, but it is necessary. It is easy to fall into the antagonism of today's society and turn a blind eye because it is easier to maintain the status quo. God is not above just to see what we like or dislike... He deserves to be exalted and for us to place His Kingdom above any of our kingdoms! God did not choose us to be shepherds and then suddenly become independent of His will and His statutes! This ends up being like a coup... as absurd as it may seem! Politics is not a poison that can kill the Church! If it were backed by God, it would be healing for the people!... but that is not the case, unless a pastor remembers what he was called to preach, without selling out for a plate of leavened offerings. Thank you, Jon! God uses you to make us ponder and decide without human excuses. It is an honor to read this reflection!
Hey Jon. This is quite the hot topic and I think you addressed it with the integrity and responsibility required of us as ministers of the Gospel. Scripture doesn't call us to be politically minded, but to have the mind of Christ. In Matthew chapter 10, Jesus has a spiritual conversation that has religious and political ramifications for His disciples as He prepares to send them out to be salt and light, telling them "to be wise as serpants and gentle as doves." He told them that they WOULD be, not maybe there's a chance, "flogged in the synagogues... and arrested by governors and kings." I appreciate your explanation of the political ramifications that are part of being in this world and the challenge from God's Word not to be "of it." I know just a few things:
1. Jesus is Lord and He reigns above IT ALL.
2. Isaiah tells us the government is upon His shoulders, whether the government acknowledges Him or not.
3. The peace of His government knows no end. Hallelujah!
4. As you mentioned, this world is not our home.
5. Voting is a duty and a privilege, as temporary residents.
6. My vote matters and counts.
7. It is an honor to be called a citizen of the U.S. and my blessed hope to one day be a citizen of heaven. ❤️
8. The outcome of this election is no surprise to God.
9. God's Kingdom was established long before the nations that exist today, and it will be long after every earthly kingdom passes away.
10. A verse from Chris Tomlin has brought me comfort in difficult and trying times such as these:
"There's a peace I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an anchor for my soul
I can say "It is well"
Great article! I will be praying for you as you address this important subject with your church family. Many blessings!
Excellent thoughts, Pastor! Best I've heard. You did a great job addressing opposing views in a calm, logical, Biblically-based manner. I agree wholeheartedly!
Thank you, God bless!
Nailed it!!! 💪🏼
As believers we must vote for the policies, not personalities. The Bible is our guide for all decisions. If we are to be a light to the world, we should vote for the policies that most closely line up with the Bible. Not voting is allowing those who are not believers to decide the policies we must adhere to and live by. Biblical policies such as policies that line up for pro-life Proverbs 6:17, Pro-Israel Genesis 12:3, Pro-work 2 These. 3:10, Pro-marriage Genesis 2:24, Pro-debt reduction Pro. 22:7. Bottom line is vote based on God's word, not emotion, not personalities jus as 2 Timothy 3:16 says. If you don't vote you are not letting your light shine. Stand up for God's best.
Amen my friend.
Two very important opposing matter to consider . #1 I stand for the unborn, I believe marriage is between a man and woman, I support free speech, and I believe in the right to bear arms. I am deeply concerned about the eroding of our nation, its values, and its foundation on Biblical values.#2 And the one about how Rome ruled. Government control,and regulations, taxation, and punishment for opposing views.
Neither candidate is perfect but the policies and the lifestyle they promote is a major point in how I vote.
Well done Jon!
Praying for you and your church family as you navigate this season. Praying for wisdom and grace & for the Kingdom of Heaven to be advanced in the USA! 🙏🏽
Your approach is very balanced. Way to go!
Pastor Jon, how can we deepen discipleship in our church? That’s my first question and absolutely what my husband and I are passionate about. That being said, we’re involved in politics.
I was so grateful to see that you addressed this on here. Thank you. And I love how you offered pros and cons, that’s good debate. Still, my heart leans more toward the way you see it and I heard the same teaching…
“I recently heard a pastor say, “It’s not that we’re bringing politics into the church; it’s that they’ve brought theology into politics.” I can get behind that.”
I knew that a few of our fellow parishioners had come to you regarding your stance on speaking from the pulpit. I’ve even had a conversation with someone through email about it. My hope is that you will address Biblical worldview voting.
I recently sat with a mayoral candidate for my city, a small one nearby, And she and I had to discuss whether I would back her or not. An illegal immigrant’s daughter from many years ago, born a citizen, her heart bleeds for the illegal immigrants, and that drives the way she sees things. Voting by feelings is such a dangerous way to make our choices, and my heart is to educate. I got the opportunity to educate her some that day, she’s young, at least I planted some seeds.
As my pastor, that’s what I would ask of you. Please plant biblical worldview seeds, and help Christ followers to truly understand that our voice matters. If you hadn’t made that choice to talk from the pulpit, I might have lost some respect. Since you are choosing to, I don’t have to face that dilemma. Thank you.
Thank you for being candid on here, and offering your heart. I can only imagine how hard the decision that has to be, made as a shepherd of many. I’m not in that position like you, so I couldn’t understand it from your perspective. I’m grateful that you share your perspective in this way and we get to read about it. I will be praying for you as you approach this from the pulpit. God bless brother.
Well said sister. I too am surrounding you in prayer PJon. 🙏🏼🕊️
What a tricky and sticky situation to take on every four years...undoubtedly, someone or somebody's are going to leave offended. I tend to find myself leaning more toward the "be more concerned with the Heavenly Kingdom than that of what you see around you" mentality. I believe that my purpose on this earth is to be the best reflection of Christ and His Kingdom that I can be...to me that looks like showing love, grace, mercy, kindness, etc., etc. Unfortunately, today's world lean's more toward screaming your political views in the faces of those who disagree in an attempt to sway someone's opinion, or in this case, their vote. Don't get me wrong, I do also believe that there is a time and place to address matters from the pulpit, but much like you...depends on the day...discernment is key during these seasons. You're not going to win the masses by hammering away your political views, but you can win the masses by living as Jesus did...loving, kind, full of grace and mercy...
Just my early morning thoughts...thanks for sharing yours.
Staying Kingdom focused…vote Biblical principles, so our freedoms as followers of Christ will be protected and do our part to make America Godly again! 📖🇺🇸
Short and right to the point. I concur! 🎯💯
Good to see the topic is top of mind…I think the answer is rooted in a few key aspects… We are blessed to be living in a constitutional federal democratic republic unlike Israel and Rome and most of the world both in modern and biblical days. Our citizenry has been given a voice and can choose to engage it or apathetically let it go and wonder why things are the way they are.
We have been given a gift and mandate to occupy and influence the world. Will our nation be 100% believers - no - the will to choose is a fact of life to which people will choose darkness even in the face of daily miracles as when Moses led the people out of Egypt.
It doesn’t excuse leaders to not lead or teach the people how to be critical thinkers and weigh the issues of life and death in their day to day lives in light of the Word.
To be accepting of passivity in civic duty is to abdicate the authority we have been blessed with as believers in this nation and gives place to a slippery slope since absence of moral principles will always give place to the flesh because human standards and human nature always find the easier way out as evidenced in the reckless behaviors we’ve witnessed in society as things like drag queens and LBGTQ and beyond extreme agendas flow loudly from governmental avenues as the only thing that counts in life and basic parental rights are ridiculed to the point where what seems so common sensical like having separate men and women’s bathrooms becomes a philosophical debate where even a separate bathroom as a compromise is out of the question.
Pastors should be able to lead and disciple and train their people to weigh issues of life according to the Word and teach people way tit means to take biblical accountability for their action or inaction. Basic critical thinking skills to then allow people to be accountable for their choice and vote. But to be quiet in that context is abdicating responsibility to train up leaders and people to apply the Word in daily life.
Does it mean the church needs to dictate who to vote for? No, but as leaders we should empower and enable people to be wise and critical thinkers and give thought to why they think the way they do in life. The church shouldn’t t sit quiet and allow sheep to walk off a cliff if there is imminent danger. They should at least be able to provide guidance in a deprived culture. We don’t need debates in church but we need to know what it means to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly before the Lord and to seek and hear His voice leading us in the way He desires for us.
Will we have a sold out nation where everyone is a Christian? No, man has free will, but we can live in the blessing of righteous in leadership and places of influence:
“When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.”
Proverbs 29:2
The country’s civic and governmental foundation was set better than any in recorded history. But how we build from there can still end up in shambles. If we choose apathy we will lose what we have and as the church we should know better than to leave it up to chance at least in terms of whether to vote and what framework to consider in that decision making.
We need to provide critical thinking skills to people and a reality check that there are major influences at play in government and media and industry that interrelate through special interests and monetary gain and if you don’t look behind the curtain you will be fooled through ignorance which can be exacerbated through complacency and voter apathy.
A non-vote is ceding power, it’s leaving the power you’ve been given up for grabs. I think it’s a dimension of the warning of lukewarmness and the sad fruit it yields in terms of apathy as a culture.
The question isn’t who will save us as elected officials, but who is better positioned to be led and influenced by the Lord in spite of their walk in Christ during their tenure and who is more positioned to lead us to an undesirable end state because of their leanings, etc.
Life cannot escape body, souls and spirit dimensions. The wise assess the best choice based on all three as appropriate.
Informed voting is an enabler to the greater mission. Informed voting demonstrates being a responsible member of society and having an ability to influence versus being silenced through ambivalence or perhaps laziness. An attitude of “come let us reason” is the key to finding wisdom in life. To abdicate voting is to give up a sphere of influence granted to us by a nation founded on principles unlike any other in the world. Issues of life are in the balance and we should encourage people to prayerfully consider the power they have in this country in a civic sense while also doing the spiritual work at the same time to discern His direction.
- Bill Pimpo
Yes and Amen! I believe God is awaking His Church to vote Biblical values. The government tried to silence pastors from preaching "politics" by threatening to take away the tax-free status about 20 some years ago. So the church become silent. It is a difficult subject (if it were easy, everyone would do it); I know God will give you wisdom and discernment. I'm praying for God to surround you with His love and peace. I thank God for leading me to Victory!
Needed & important essay, Jon. Thanks for posting this.
Good word, Pastor John! I loved it!
Standing up and not moving from where we are may seem rhetorical, but it is necessary. It is easy to fall into the antagonism of today's society and turn a blind eye because it is easier to maintain the status quo. God is not above just to see what we like or dislike... He deserves to be exalted and for us to place His Kingdom above any of our kingdoms! God did not choose us to be shepherds and then suddenly become independent of His will and His statutes! This ends up being like a coup... as absurd as it may seem! Politics is not a poison that can kill the Church! If it were backed by God, it would be healing for the people!... but that is not the case, unless a pastor remembers what he was called to preach, without selling out for a plate of leavened offerings. Thank you, Jon! God uses you to make us ponder and decide without human excuses. It is an honor to read this reflection!